JAILCON 20/20 is slated to be the largest correctional conference in history.  Numerous states and national associations have cancelled their conferences, leaving many agencies with no way to receive training and exhibitors hard pressed to find creative ways to engage correctional administrators with information about new products and services.  JAILCON 20/20 (September 7-30, 2020) will provide ways to successfully accomplish all of of these objectives and we are excited to work with you to bring proactive solutions in a time that our profession needs it the most. [REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  AUGUST 31, 2020]


Thank you for sponsoring JAILCON 20/20 Special Edition and supporting our profession!

For vendors who have already registered, a member of the NIJO staff will be reaching out give you information on opportunities that will be available through a unique conference platform and find out how you would like to proceed. Options include:

  • Increase current value through sponsorships for JAILCON 20/20
  • Apply registration fees and/or sponsorship toward JAILCON 2021
  • Apply current value toward other NIJO services
  • Receive a full refund



Due to the unique circumstances of JAILCON 20/20 Special Edition, platinum sponsorships are limited.   Sign up today for these exclusive platinum sponsorship opportunities:


  • Exclusive Host Opportunity – First choice of sponsoring/hosting one (1) live webinar (i.e. Keynote Address, Webinar Session, etc.)
  • Company video provided by your company (1-2 minutes) added at the beginning of selected event or recognition and opportunity to speak 1-2 minutes during sponsored session/event.
  • Exclusive email blast opportunity to all JAILCON attendees.
  • Training Session Sponsorship (First come, first serve) – Recognition for sponsoring five (5) JAILCON 20/20 online training seminars
  • Recognition of Platinum Sponsorship Level with Company Logo prominently featured in top position on website sponsor banners and in all live webinar events.
  • Company info powerpoint presentation added to online training platform (provided by your company).
  • Recognition for two (2) premium prize drawings  (Valued at $500/each – $1000 Total)*
  • Five full access passes to all JAILCON 20/20 Special Edition training sessions/events.
  • JAILCON 20/20 Special Edition Attendee List.

    • Exclusive Webinar Host Opportunity – Second choice of sponsoring/hosting one live webinar (i.e. Keynote Address, Awards, Panel Session, etc.)
    • Exclusive Company Name recognition during chosen sponsored webinar session.
    • Training Session Sponsorship (First come, first serve) – Recognition for sponsoring four (4) JAILCON 20/20 online training seminars
    • Recognition of Company Name and Logo in all correspondence with attendees
    • Recognition of Gold Sponsorship Level with Company Logo in Welcome Webinar and on NIJO and DACOTA websites.
    • Recognition for four (4) prize drawing (Valued at $150/each – $600 Total)*
    • Three full access passes to all JAILCON 20/20 Special Edition training sessions/events. 
    • JAILCON 20/20 Special Edition Attendee List 


    • Training Session Sponsorship (First come, first serve) – Recognition for sponsoring two (2) JAILCON 20/20 online training seminars
    • Recognition of Silver Sponsorship Level with Company Logo in Attendee Correspondence, Welcome Webinar and on NIJO and DACOTA websites.
    • Two full access passes to all JAILCON 20/20 Special Edition training sessions/events.
    • JAILCON 20/20 Special Edition Attendee List 
    • Recognition for three (3) prize drawings (Valued at $75/each – $225 Total)*


    • Training Session Sponsorship (First come, first serve) – Recognition for sponsoring one (1) JAILCON 20/20 online training seminar.
    • Recognition of Bronze Sponsorship Level with Company Logo in Attendee Correspondence, Welcome Webinar and on NIJO and DACOTA websites.
    • One full access pass to all JAILCON 20/20 Special Edition training sessions/events.
    • JAILCON 20/20 Special Edition Attendee List 
    • Recognition for two (2) prize drawing (Valued at $50/each – $100 Total)*
    • NIJO reserves the right to alter the number of prizes and individual prize amounts based on total number of sponsors and attendees.

    Have any questions or another idea for sponsorship?  We’re open to your suggestions–just contact us by clicking the button below. ​