What is JAILCON 20/20 Special Edition?


JAILCON 20/20 is a customized online ONLY training conference.  You can take it from anywhere in the world with a computer and internet connection.  No need to travel or even leave your county.  You can do it at home, work, on a beach, with a mask or without, in uniform or pajamas…it’s your call!

Training sessions can be paused, left, resumed, taken in groups or individually.

JAILCON 20/20 is a NATIONAL corrections conference offering over 50 credit hours of training based on what the law requires for running constitutionally safe jails and detention facilities. Patterned after our very successful live regional conferences, training sessions and webinars will feature top corrections experts and special guests to instruct on the hottest topics facing corrections professionals TODAY, including:

NIJO combines exclusive JAILCON 20/20 Special Edition training sessions through our DACOTA Online Training Platform which include:

  • Legal updates with Q&A sessions
  • Keynote speakers and Special Guests
  • JAILCON 20/20 National Corrections Professionals Awards
  • Recognition for Professional Certification (NCCE, NCCS, and NCCO)
  • Recognition of Facility National Accreditation
  • and of course, PRIZE DRAWINGS!